Monday, October 30, 2006

Screen your home windows like your computer's

Don't forget about the physical windows your children are looking through; these need protection every bit as much as the "virtual" ones to the Internet! Here's a brief article on "Alarm Screens" courtesy of National Security Screens, an alarm screen manufacturer and retailer.

A very interesting product many homeowners elect to install on houses they've just bought are "Alarm Screens" (otherwise known as "Security Screens" to Security Industry professionals). Typically one changes the door locks when moving into a new home, in a new neighborhood; less typically do people change window locks or security mechanisms. Alarm screens are visibly the same as a typical window screen, however, embedded detection wires will alert you and/or your central alarm system that an intruder is beginning to break into the home, through the window. The best feature of these devices is that you're still protected against intruders even though your windows may in fact be open, with the traditional window alarm contacts disabled!

As you assess your next home purchase, or in fact prepare to sell your existing home, consider Alarm Screens as a wise investment. National Security Screens is a Virginia-based, leading national manufacturer and dealer of alarm screens, alarm screen products and other window security systems; they can be contacted for more information about how alarm screens can help protect and sell your home.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Why is his Mom "Computer Dumb"?

In this recent scandal coverage called "Foley-Gate", a comment from one of the victims of lascivious IM correspondence made our heads spin, though you could see it coming from a mile away. Foley asks whether anyone else can see the chat, and the Page essentially says "no, my Mom's computer dumb".

Absolutely inexcusable, and hopefully a very-well publicized wake-up call to parents of little and big kids, and in fact all adults. DO NOT BE "Computer Dumb"! There's no reason to be. A little time spent reading some very simple resources can make all the difference in the world, and also help project your status (to your children, hopefully) that you are not in fact "computer dumb". The quick results of your computer safety education may not make you a computer scientist, but may just provide enough control and guidance to protect your children (and your family's reputation!) from predatory activities like this.

For example - no computers in the bedroom, and limit usage. Sounds simple, doesn't it - or perhaps fraught with conflict the way restricting TV privileges does. Just recently, an extend family member admitted an 11-yr. old stayed up to 3AM every night "playing computer games", in his room. An utter recipe for disaster; this sort of thing should be controlled in no uncertain terms....otherwise you can essentially label yourself "computer dumb".